Program Workshops

Program Workshops
1 - Producer voice in a certification scheme – 50/50 in the Fairtrade system
2 - Fair Trade Guarantee System for producers and organizations by WFTO
3. Developing a model for Fair Trade Nations and Regions
4. Emerging Fair Trade Towns Campaigns
5. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Fair Trade6. EU new sugar-policy and its impact on Southern producers
Mobili .... for the new European Award for Fair and Ethical Trade
8. How does Fair Trade change our Northern and Southern societies
9. Change us to change them?
10. Can Fair Trade be applied in conflictual zones?
11. Fair Trade and Sustainable Tourism
12. Fair and Sustainable Public Procurement – Framework and Best Practice
13. City Marketing for Fair Trade Towns
14. Social media ideas for Fair Trade Towns
15. Fair Trade Universities “Be the change you want to see in the world!”
16. Teaching and Global Learning through Fair Trade
18. Networking experiences
Further Workshops:
Workshops FIT FOR FAIR
Workshops for pupils (Schools) and locals
Program Workshop 1
Workshop 1
Producer voice in a certification scheme – 50/50 in the Fairtrade system
Gudrun Schlöpker, Fairtrade Germany
Sol Maria Torres, CLAC - Coordinadora Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Pequeños Productores y Trabajadores de Comercio Justo
Sandra Palacio Martínez, Coffee Cooperative COOAGRONEVADA, Colombia
The Fairtrade certification system has made a major move when all members decided 5 years ago that Fairtrade should be 50% producer owned and that the services for producer organizations would be provided by producer networks. How does the co-ownership work? What does it mean in practice for small producer organizations, country networks and other local structures of producer self-organization? And how do the continental Fairtrade Producer Networks organize themselves to reach out to their members all over their continent in order to collect, bundle and represent their views effectively?
Objective: Participants will get an understanding of these issues, guided by a Producer Network colleague from Latin America, a Small Producer Organization leader from Colombia and a representative from German Fairtrade Organization TransFair.
Gudrun Schlöpker, TransFair e.V (Fairtrade Germany), Manager International Relations
Fairtrade is a participatory, decentralized and very dynamic system that needs to fulfill at the same time many central tasks in a coherent and coordinated way. This means that there is a high need for cooperation and coordination between members. I have been working since 10 years in the Fairtrade system with different roles and use my knowledge to support this coordination for Fairtrade Germany.
Sandra Palacio Martínez and Sol Maria Toro aus Kolumbien
TransFair invited two Colombian guests for the Fairtrade Fortnight and the Challenge “Coffee Fairday”: Sandra Palacio Martínez, coffee producer and executive manager oft he coffee-cooperative COOAGRONEVADA and Sol Maria Toro representing the South-American Fair Trade Network CLAC.
Workshop 2
Workshop 2
Fair Trade Guarantee System for producers and organizations by WFTO
Tamara Cobussen, WFTO Global
WFTO is since 1989 the global network of Fair Trade Organizations with members in 75 countries around the world. Two thirds of the members are producer organizations in Africa, Latin America and Asia. In 2013, the WFTO Guarantee System was introduced in order to guarantee that a Fair Trade producer- or trading organization is working according to the global Fair Trade Standards. More and more organizations now reach Fair Trade guaranteed status every week. As they do, more products produced and traded according to WFTO requirements reach the market. That in turn makes it important to include the WFTO Guarantee System in the Fair Trade Towns policies. This workshop will provide an introduction to the WFTO Guarantee System and explain more about its focus on the Fair Trade Organisation and its Fair Trade practices.
Workshop 3
Workshop 3.
Developing a model for Fair Trade Nations and Regions
Henk Zandvliet, Fair Trade Holland
Martin Rhodes, Scottish Fair Trade Forum
The workshop is aimed at those who are already engaged with idea of Fair Trade Nations and Regions as well as those who are looking to explore the concept for the first time. What is a Fair Trade Nation or Region? How can we bring together our understanding of the model and develop it for the best advantage of Fair Trade? What is the value of Fair Trade Nations and Regions? How do national and regional campaigns work with Fair Trade towns? The workshop will look at the Memorandum of Understanding, already signed by 7 national/regional campaigns, and discuss how to gain broader support for it.”
Henk Zandvliet is chairing of the board of Stichting Fairtrade Gemeente Nederland, which facilitates the local campaigns to acquire the title Fairtrade Town status. Almost a quarter of all Dutch municipalities have the Fairtrade status as well as many schools, churches and, recently, the first football club. Next step might be the title Fairtrade Nation.
Martin Rhodes: The Scottish Fair Trade Forum is a membership-based network of individuals and organisations committed to promoting and supporting Fair Trade. Martin Rhodes became involved with Fair Trade through campaigning on a number of international development and trade justice issues and was involved in forming the City of Glasgow Fair Trade Steering Group. He has been Director of the Scottish Fair Trade Forum since 2010.
Workshop 4
Workshop 4.
Emerging Fair Trade Towns Campaigns
Indong Cho, Seoul Metropolitan Government, Corea
Anjali Schiavina, Fair Trade Town Initiative Pondicherry, India
Rosa Guamán, Fair Trade National Coordination, Ecuador
Sharing experience (achievements, challenges, etc) of new Fair Trade Towns initiatives and discussing, among others, the ways of building a "Big Tent” (non-partisan broad-based) national campaign. Presentation of the best practices of collaboration of different stakeholders in the specific countries.
5. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Fair Trade
Lothar Boeykens, Fairtrade Gemeente, Belgium-Flanders
Let’s explore the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a common opportunity for Fair Trade and let’s create an information and best practice sharing group around three topics:
- Universality of SDG and Fair Trade (including the Northern producers)
- The SDGs and Peace (SDG 16)
- Fair Trade and Sustainability in terms of a revolucionary process
Lothar Boeykens, National coordinator FairTradeTowns Flanders. Lothar is driven by fair trade and human rights. Always on the lookout for solutions that work. So the FairTradeTowns campaign is just right for him. He's looking forward to the Quattrofair conference.
Workshop 5
Workshop 5.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Fair Trade
Lothar Boeykens, Fairtrade Gemeente, Belgium-Flanders
Let’s explore the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a common opportunity for Fair Trade and let’s create an information and best practice sharing group around three topics:
- Universality of SDG and Fair Trade (including the Northern producers)
- The SDGs and Peace (SDG 16)
- Fair Trade and Sustainability in terms of a revolucionary process
Lothar Boeykens, National coordinator FairTradeTowns Flanders. Lothar is driven by fair trade and human rights. Always on the lookout for solutions that work. So the FairTradeTowns campaign is just right for him. He's looking forward to the Quattrofair conference.
Workshop 6
Workshop 6.
EU new sugar-policy and its impact on Southern producers
Rudi Dalvai, WFTO Global
Ruth Salditos, Panay Fair Trade Center ,Philippines
Sugar is between one of the five most important commodities in international trade. It is also an good example of an important commodity of the colonial eras and also an excellent example for market protectionism in post-colonial eras. Ruth Salditos will present the story of sugar production in Panay, Philippines starting from the colonial period of the Spanish where hundreds of small Mascobado mills has been installed, the impact of the big sugar mill build second part of last century which has led to the drastically declined of the number of Mascobado sugar mills and the start of the success story of Fair Trade Macobado sugar production in Panay. Rudi Dalvai will give an overview of global production, trade and consumption of sugar with some figures and stories of protectionism, the new EU sugar policy seen in this context, and inform about who controls the sugar world market of today.
Rudi Dalvai is an economist by academic discipline; He joined the FT movement in 1985; from 1987 to 1989 he was managing director of EZA, the Austrian FTO. From 1990 till now he is working in Ctm-Altromercato, of which he is a founding member. He was vice president of Transfair/faitrade Italy and member of FLO “Coffee Register Committee”. From 2001 to 2007 he was chair of IFAT/WFTO. Since more than 25 years he is working in the field of Fair Trade standard setting and the development of a global guarantee and certification system for Fair Trade. In 2011 he has been elected president of WFTO and since 2015 he is a board member of the Fair Trade Advocacy Office (FTAO) in Brussels.
Ruth Salditos: A Dietitian by profession; a development worker since 1983 basically among women and children's work in Panay. A founding member of Panay Fair Trade Center in 1991 and still with the Board up to the present. Currently the President of Fair Trade Foundation-Panay Inc. an institution that was established by PFTC in 2001that focuses on development work among fair trade network and producers in Panay.
Workshop 7
Workshop 7.
Mobilizing for the new European Award for Fair and Ethical Trade
Fabio De Franceschi, European Commission, Directorate General for Trade
Joseph Wozniak, International Trade Centre (ITC), Trade for Sustainable Development (T4SD)
How to support the step forward done by the EU to support Fair Trade?
Let’s check how to contribute to a good understanding and dissemination of the new Award, and try that a considerable amount of cities apply, in order to secure a continuous edition of the Award.
Joseph Wozniak, has over 15 years experience in international trade and development. Joe is the Manager of the Trade for Sustainable Development programme (T4SD) at the International Trade Centre (ITC) in Geneva, Switzerland where he is responsible for the development of the Standards Map web tool.
Prior to arriving at the ITC, Joe spent almost seven years as a Senior Economist with the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) in Washington, D.C. where he was responsible for the monitoring and evaluation of the Agency's portfolio and the development of analytical tools for the impact assessment of OPIC’s emerging markets investment projects in sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and consumer products, among others.
Joe has also worked on trade-related projects for Nomisma, Spa in Bologna, Italy and at KPMG LLP in the U.S. Mr. Wozniak received his Masters Degree in International Relations and International Economics from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) and an Executive Certificate in International Business Management from Georgetown University. He has significant field experience in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and sub-Saharan Africa.
Fabio De Franceschi is Policy Officer at the Directorate General for Trade at the European Commission, in charge of labour affairs and fair and ethical trade.
He previously worked for almost four years at the Centre for Sociological Research of KU Leuven (Belgium) and holds a PhD in Social Sciences from the same institution with a thesis on working conditions in Multinational Companies in the context of Global Value Chains. He also worked as researcher and academic coordinator at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Spain), as well as at Barcelona Activa and in the private sector. He holds an MA in International Employment Relations from the University of Warwick (UK) and a Masters Degree in Public and Social Policy (UPF-Johns Hopkins University).
Workshop 8
Workshop 8.
How does Fair Trade change our Northern and Southern societies
Stefan Silvestrini, Center for Evaluation - CeVAL, Germany
Presentation of the main results out of two studies executed by Center of Evaluation, Saarbrücken and discussion:
Trend- and Impact Study about Fair Trade in Germany (2017)
Assessing the Impact of Fairtrade on Poverty Reduction through Rural Development (2014)
Workshop 9
Workshop 9.
Change us to change them?
Giorgio Dal Fiume, Atromercato Italy
Marco Coscione, CLAC - Coordinadora Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Pequeños Productores y Trabajadores de Comercio Justo
Is the Fair Trade message still actual or outdated? How to have a social impact in a world changed compared to the beginning of Fair Trade?
For Fair Trade it’s mandatory to assess if and how its activities create positive impact at social level, not only for wages of the people and organizations directly involved in Fair Trade, but also for local communities and global issues.
The world has been changing compared to the challenges faced by Fair Trade pioneers: social priorities are different, environmental issues acquire a bigger relevance, globalization increases inequalities, Fair Trade products are in mainstream, the solidarity feeling towards poor Southern people turned into fear and aggressive approach towards migrants. How this scenario challenges the Fair Trade practice? The workshop’s aim is to exchange opinion to possibly innovate Fair Trade mottos, tools and approaches to strengthen its social impact and visibility.
Giorgio Dal Fiume - Involved in Fair Trade since 1991, founder of the Bologna Fair Trade shop, former President (1998-2007) of Ctm altromercato (the biggest Italian FT importer and a Consortium of Fair Trade shop), present President of WFTO-Europe (the continental branch of the World Fair Trade Organization). In 2004/2005 it was member of the promoter of the Italian Fair Trade Town Campaign. It is also involved in International Cooperation projects, and in Intercultural studies.
Marco Coscione: Official Master Degree in "Contemporary Latin America and its relations with the EU: a strategic cooperation" (University of Alcalá, Spain); Degree in International and Diplomatic Sciences (University of Genoa, Italy). Several experiences of study, work and volunteering in Europe (Italy, Germany and Spain) and Latin America (Cuba, Chile, Peru, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Colombia and Costa Rica). For more than 10 years he has been working in fair trade, responsible consumption, and international cooperation. At the moment works as advocacy consultant for CLAC.
Workshop 10
Workshop 10.
Can Fair Trade be applied in conflictual zones?
Rudi Dalvai, Altromercato Italy
Elie Karam, Association Baskinta Baytouna, Lebanon
Benoît Berger, Fair Trade Lebanon
In some conflict-ravaged zones like Middle-East, South-Italy, Colombia experiences have been successfully carried out, showing that Fair Trade - projects can help recover social life and agriculture.
Elie Karam: Lawyer at Beirut Bar Association & an Active Social member: Established and preside the Baskinta Baytouna Organization (BBO) for sustainable development in the Lebanese Mountain. The NGO Launched successfully a Solid Waste Management Project in 2012 targeting 10.000 Citizens. Also Promoted Baskinta Village as a Fair Trade Town, within the program of Fair Trade Lebanon, a well known city for it's Cherries, Apples & the famous Lebanese local drink Arak.
Benoît Berger: Involved since more than 30 years in the field of international solidarity, he shared his career between France and Lebanon. He is currently the director of the NGO Fair Trade Lebanon, to the creation of which he has actively contributed. He is currently the vice-chair of the board of WFTO Africa - Middle East.
Fair Trade Lebanon (FTL) was officially established in 2006 by a small group of Lebanese who were shocked by the human desertification of Lebanese rural areas and the distress of the villagers. They decided to use fair trade as a means to promote the existing local expertise in food processing and to generate revenues for disadvantaged rural communities by creating marketing opportunities for small producers and women processing cooperatives. In 10 years, Fair Trade Lebanon has developed a range of more than 50 products, including olive oil, wine, preserves, jams, distillates… which are sold through the fair trade networks of outlets in Europe as well as on the Lebanese market.
Rudi Dalvai is an economist by academic discipline; He joined the FT movement in 1985; from 1987 to 1989 he was managing director of EZA, the Austrian FTO. From 1990 till now he is working in Ctm-Altromercato, of which he is a founding member. He was vice president of Transfair/faitrade Italy and member of FLO “Coffee Register Committee”. From 2001 to 2007 he was chair of IFAT/WFTO. Since more than 25 years he is working in the field of Fair Trade standard setting and the development of a global guarantee and certification system for Fair Trade. In 2011 he has been elected president of WFTO and since 2015 he is a board member of the Fair Trade Advocacy Office (FTAO) in Brussels.
Workshop 11
Workshop 11.
Fair Trade and Sustainable Tourism
Herbert Hamele, ECOTRANS, Germany
Many businesses and tour operators in the global tourism sector are committed to make their offer and services more sustainable, including the use of fair trade products. More than 170 labels on sustainable tourism are operating worldwide!
This workshop presents in one hand how this can be realized through collaboration and through commonly using the Tourism 2030 – DestiNet Services designed for this: presentation of labels, the global map of eco-certified tourism businesses and destinations, examples for the promotion of the “green travel maps” to the tour operators and tourists. In the other hand it will be shown best practice examples from Saarbrücken, Quattropole and from producer countries in the Global South. Finally it will be covered how fair trade is related to tourism and how to enhance the visibility of the fair and sustainable committed businesses in your town and thus gain arguments towards the tourist sector to commit on fair and sustainable practices.
Workshop 12
Workshop 12.
Fair and Sustainable Public Procurement – Framework and Best Practice
Ann-Kathrin Voge, Engagement Global, Germany
Elen Jones, Fair Trade Nation Wales
How can Fair Trade Towns implement their aims on Fair Trade and Sustainability into their purchasing practices? What do European, national and regional legal frameworks allow for and how are European cities already using their market power? In this workshop you will get an insight into regulations, strategies and best practices from Germany and Wales.
Ann-Kathrin Voge works as a project manager in the field of Fair Trade and fair and sustainable public procurement in municipalities at Service Agency Communities in One World (SKEW) of Engagement Global on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Her main projects are a nationwide network on fair public procurement as well as the “Sustainability Compass”, a website providing application-oriented information and support for sustainable public procurement, for example municipal best practice, the sustainability standards comparison tool, supplier lists and much more. She will share her experiences from numerous presentations, seminaries and consultation meetings in communities in Germany.
Workshop 13
Workshop 13.
Fair and Sustainable Public Procurement – Framework and Best Practice
Ann-Kathrin Voge, Engagement Global, Germany
Elen Jones, Fair Trade Nation Wales
How can Fair Trade Towns implement their aims on Fair Trade and Sustainability into their purchasing practices? What do European, national and regional legal frameworks allow for and how are European cities already using their market power? In this workshop you will get an insight into regulations, strategies and best practices from Germany and Wales.
Ann-Kathrin Voge works as a project manager in the field of Fair Trade and fair and sustainable public procurement in municipalities at Service Agency Communities in One World (SKEW) of Engagement Global on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Her main projects are a nationwide network on fair public procurement as well as the “Sustainability Compass”, a website providing application-oriented information and support for sustainable public procurement, for example municipal best practice, the sustainability standards comparison tool, supplier lists and much more. She will share her experiences from numerous presentations, seminaries and consultation meetings in communities in Germany.
Workshop 14
Workshop 14.
Social media ideas for Fair Trade Towns
Daniel Caspari, Fairtrade Germany
Suzi Hiza, Fair Trade Communities, USA
Laura Perona, Fairtrade Iberica, Spain
Confused by Facebook? Twitter got you in a twist? Then don’t switch off but come to our workshop! The objective of this workshop is to present some outstanding social media campaigns of Fair Trade Towns acivists from different countries, help you out with some guidance on how to use Social Media for your engagement and work together on new and concrete campaigns.
Daniel Caspari, responsible for all kind of (Online) Communications at TransFair e.V. (Fairtrade Germany) for over 8 years and enthusiastic about to use social media to promote the Fair Trade idea and engage people for a change in their consuming behavior.
Workshop 15
Workshop 15.
Fair Trade Universities “Be the change you want to see in the world!”
Diego Núñez, Action Group Faire Uni Saar – First Fairtrade-University in Germany
Adriana Isabel Ruíz Lopez, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Workshop 16
Workshop 16.
Teaching and Global Learning through Fair Trade
Maike Schliebs, Fairtrade Germany, Campaign Fairtrade Schools
Florian Ablöscher, Fairtrade Austria
The objective of this workshop is to exchange on “good practices” and learn from each other on different modalities of how Fair Trade can be explored in schools. This includes teaching resources, activities and cooperations. In addition, participants will learn about the campaign “Fairtrade-Schools”. Becoming a Fairtrade School means joining a worldwide movement – a movement where young people learn that, whatever their age, they have the power to make a difference in the world. Different partners will share their experiences on how to bring fair trade to schools and their environment.
Maike Schliebs has been working for Fairtrade Germany for 5 years. She is head of the Fairtrade-Schools campaign which teaches young people that whatever their age, they have the power to make a difference in the world. More than 630 schools join the campaign, teaching fair trade, developing events and meeting at school conferences with hundreds of other motivated pupils. The Schools campaign is also conducted in other countries such as Austria, the USA and South Korea.
Workshop 18
Workshop 18.
Networking experiences
Claire Fischer, Swiss Fair Trade
Jürgen Sokoll, Eine Welt Netz NRW / Faire Metropole Ruhr
Workshops FIR FOR FAIR
Workshops FIT FOR FAIR
Friday, 15 September, 15-16 h
1 Energize! Fill your day with energy and funny moments!
2 Greensleaves – Forest Run We will jog through the forest around the campus, a nice tour of about 1 hour at a slow velocity. Recommended for runners with experience, not recommended for beginners. Running shoes / proper shoes, proper clothes E
3 Swim Get your swim-suit on and swim your lengths! Swimsuit, towel
4 Fairy soap opera Print your name in a bar of fair + regional soap!
5 Paint it Fair – Paint a Fairy World Let’s paint a colorful fairy world – a conference banner “ Fair Trade Across Generations!”
6 Let’s Dance Salsa – Basic Workshop Last minutes course to prepare for the fairy party!
7 Volleyball Let’s play volleyball (indoor). Indoor sport shoes, sport clothes
8 Yoga with Shilpa Yoga with Shilpa from India! Mats etc. are available, comfort clothes
9 September Forest Walk & Climb Schwarzenberg-Turm Let’s have a nice 20 mins-walk through the forest, then climb some 240 steps to enjoy the clear view from the tower! And then all back to the Campus. Proper shoes
10 Impro-theatre Free your mind: We’ll do some impro exercises. We’ll laugh a lot!
Workshop FOR SCHOOLs
Workshops for Schools
Friday, 15 September
Workshops for Public
Sunday, 17 September