Program Int. Fairtrade-Towns Conferenc 2017
Though the main site is located in Saarbrücken, on the German side, the conference is being organized by the network QuattroFair of four cities: Luxembourg/L, Metz/F, Saarbrücken and Trier/D in cooperation with the campaign of the three national Fair Trade Towns.
The title « Fair Trade across Generations » is about pointing out the wide range of activists; in the Northern countries there are mostly adults and senior citizens who run the World Shops, whereas the campaigns for Towns, Schools and Universities are mainly represented by younger people!
The same can be said of the Southern countries, where the pioneer-fathers who set up the cooperatives are being replaced by their skillful and professional offsprings who benefited from a good education as well as qualification thanks to Fairtrade.
DAY 1: THURSDAY - 14.09.17 (Saarbrücken, city centre)
Ceremony of German Award “Fair Trade Capital”
12.30 - 15.30 Ceremony
Engagement Global, Servicestelle für Kommunen in der Einen Welt (SKEW)
15.30 - 17.30 Guided tour along touristic and Fair Trade highlights of Saarbrücken
17.30 - 18.30 Reception at Town Hall with Mayor Charlotte Britz
Cultural Show and Dinner at Congress-Center
In cooperation with Engagement Global
Welcome - Ulrich Commerçon, Saar-Minister for Education and Culture
DAY 2: FRIDAY - 15.09.17 (Saarbrücken, campus)
Identity card for a cross-border cooperation
Prof. Dr. Claudia Polzin-Haumann, Vice-President for Europe and International
Saar-University, First Fairtrade-University in Germany
Highlights from three national neighbouring campaigns
• Dieter Overath, Fairtrade Germany
• Estelle Dubreuil, FAIR(e) un Monde Équitable, France
• Jean-Louis Zeien, Fairtrade Letzeburg
Welcome QuattroPole and QuattroFair
• Charlotte Britz, Director Board QuattroPole / Mayor Saarbrücken
• Fleurance Laroppe, Speaker QuattroFair
10.00 - 10.30 Coffee-Break
10.30 - 12.00 Public debate on the role of the European Union in promoting Fair Trade
• Nikolaso Zaimis, European Commission, Adviser for i.a. Trade and Sustainable Development
Keynote-Speech and announcement of European Fair Trade City Award
• Jean Feyder, former Ambassador of Luxembourg at the UN
• Debate with Members of the European Parliament and the Public
Moderation Elen Jones (Policy Adviser - Globally Responsible Wales)
12.00 - 12.15 Speech: EU and Fair Trade: Fair Trade movement vision and call for coordinated Fair Trade movement action
Sergi Corbalán, Fair Trade Advocacy Office (FTAO)
12.30 - 13.30 Lunch in the Mensa – including Networking Tables
13.30 - 15.00 Workshops
15.00 - 16.30 FIT for FAIR
16.30 - 18.00 Workshops
18.00 - 19.30 Workshops
19.30 - 24.00 Evening meal and Party
DAY 3: SATURDAY - 16.09.17 (Saarbrücken & QuattroFair-Towns)
09.30 - 11.00 h
International stakeholders in dialogue – latest developments and further visions
• Darío Soto Abril, Fairtrade International (FI-CEO)
• Rudi Dalvai, World Fair Trade Organisation (WFTO-President)
• Billy Linstead-Goldsmith and Tadeusz Makulski, International Fair Trade Towns Campaign (Steering Committee)
• Moderator - Sergi Corbalán, Fair Trade Advocacy Office (FTAO-CEO)
11.30 - 12.30
Panel: Portrait of three successful tiny countries:
• Rosa Guamán, Fuerzas Unidas por el Comercio Justo en Ecuador
• Benoît Berger & Elie Karam, Le Liban engagé équitablement
• Sophie Duponcheel & Lothar Boeyken, Fair Trade Campaigns in Belgium
Moderator - Sergi Corbalán, Fair Trade Advocacy Office (FTAO-CEO)
14.30 - 21.00
• Welcome from local Mayor & QuattroPole Correspondant
• Special fair highlights combined with a producer’s presentation
Luxembourg: Public Procurement & Textiles
Metz: Fair Trade Made in France
Trier: Partnerships and Networking
22.30 FUN for FAIR:
Back to Saarbrücken: Saturday Night Fever !!!
DAY 4: SUNDAY - 17.09.17 (Saarbrücken, campus)
09.00 - 10.30 Workshops
11.00 - 13.00 Plenary Session
• Celebration of cross-border stakeholders achieving status
Status achieved by stakeholders: Class, School, University, Town and istrict.
Awards handed over by : Ulrich Commerçon (Saar-Minister for Education & Culture) and Bruce Crowther (Father of the International Fair Trade Towns Movement)
• Workshops Evaluation
• Resolution, Where and What next, "Finissage" of the conference
FANS for FAIR - Not included in the official program, but highly recommended!
14.00 - 16.00 Country coordinators meeting (closed to the public)
16.00 - 18.00 Guided Tour along touristic and Fair Trade highlights of Saarbrücken
20.00 - 21.30 Film "La Finca Humana", about the FairTrade Cooperative COMSA in Honduras
Film from Brian Olson,
Introduction and ensuing discussion with Miriam Elizabeth Perez Zelaya (COMSA), Honduras.
Location: Kino Achteinhalb, Nauwieserstr. 19, 66111 Saarbrücken
21.30 - open end Happy End -just relax enjoying a local beer!
During the whole conference: MARKET with different booths!